Mental health affects how we act, feel and think and impacts us all. Mental health disorders are often a secret battle fought in the shadows but it doesn’t have to be that way. The WolfStrata Group supports initiatives that challenge stigmatisms and open the conversation.
We are huge supporters of furthering education for the benefit of all. The WolfStrata Group works with numerous educational institutions providing guest lecturers, orientations, co-op work placements and charitable donations to help further education in the community.
Ensuring future generations are able to enjoy our natural spaces is of paramount importance to us. Staff at The WolfStrata Group enjoy spending time in the outdoors hiking, fishing and camping.
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Our business is IT, but our passion is for service and community.

At The WolfStrata Group, we’re proud to be part of the communities where we live and work. Our staff are driven by a desire to give back and have made philanthropy the beating heart of our business. 

We invest in numerous projects that further environmental, educational, and mental health initiatives. In the past year, we’ve made gifts to the following  organizations that are creating a host of meaningful impacts:

Interested in learning more about our philanthropic goals or how you can help support worthy causes in the community? Drop us a line using the form below.